Each of the 365 days of our Gregorian calendar is represented in this book with morsels of odd trivia, historical events, celebrity birthdays, weather anomalies and astrological information. With a decidedly Canadian twist, it’s an entertaining and enlightening new take on a day that happens every year: * January 26 is not only Wayne Gretzky’s birthday, it’s also National Peanut Brittle Day * On May 3, 1915 Canadian Solider John McCrae took only 20 minutes to compose his poem ‘In Flanders Fields’ * February 29 is Sadie Hawkins Day, the official day on which a woman can ask a man to marry her * April 17, 1982 was the day Canada officially became an independent nation from Britain with the repatriation of our constitution * March 9 is Middle Name Pride Day. Benedict Martin Paul ”Ben” Mulroney was born on this day in 1976. * And so much more..